Products & Services Levelized Payments Levelized payments smooth out heavy consumption/billing months in summer and winter.Payments are based on actual metered consumption of the current month and the previous eleven months.Call 270-782-1200 to sign up. Outdoor Security Lighting BGMU will install security lights on existing utility poles and furnish electricity for a small monthly fee.BGMU security lights are controlled by a photocell that turns on the lights at dusk and turns them off at dawn.Outdoor security lights provide safety for you and your home.For more information, call 270-782-1200. Water & Sewer Discounts If your household income is $22,000 or less, you may be eligible for a 10% discount on the first seven (7) units of water and sewer service.Customers must show evidence of income to a BGMU representative to receive the discount.Speak to a Customer Service representative for more information. Education BGMU makes a continued effort to educate our community using our Safety Trailer, Electric Junction model, and water model. We make presentations at local schools, civic club meetings, and other community events. To schedule an appointment, call 270-782-1200 and ask to speak with a Marketing representative. Customer Assistance Program The Customer Assistance Program (CAP) helps customers avoid service disconnection due to hardship. Customers may elect to give $1 to $5 each month or make a one-time contribution for any amount. Donations go to a special fund administered by the Bowling Green-Warren County Welfare Center. Electric Grills & Smokers Electric grills and smokers are available for purchase at our main office at 801 Center Street.Account AccessNew Service RequirementsBill Payment OptionsOutage Text SystemRatesRenewable EnergyRules & RegulationsSanitation BillingTips